"Out of ivory palaces stringed instruments have made Thee glad." Psalm 45: 8

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Doors

We welcome Eric and Jonathan to the project. They have been doing the really difficult parts of the metal work this week.  Here they are admiring the eave struts and roof purlins just installed. It is wonderful having their expertise around the site!

Take this next shot for instance--I'm delighted that's Eric up there and not me:

Or this one, hanging the roll-up door:

Until finally the doors are hung, and fully functional:

Which is a load off my mind. Now we can lock the place and prevent unwanted intrusion.



  1. Hey Steve,
    Don't forget my office space With a window now!! That's going to be a very strong building.
    It's looking great so far...

    1. Thanks Dave! Your office will be right behind the white door in that final pic. We put a window in the door itself...good enough?
