"Out of ivory palaces stringed instruments have made Thee glad." Psalm 45: 8

Monday, December 3, 2012

Pine Loss Blues

As we worked on our shop site, we kept looking back at this tall pine right at the corner of the garage. If left standing, it would also be quite close to the corner of the new shop. Reluctantly, we decided to take it down since this is the easiest time to do so.

Still, it was fairly exciting cutting this big guy down. One broken rope and it could fall backward into the garage. Fortunately, the tree cooperated. What Johnny is doing on his tractor is tugging a rope that runs through a pulley system which is applying force in the direction away from our house.

And it all worked beautifully. It's a bit painful to look at the stump and remember that fine old tree, but we still have a few more! And perhaps the maples can start filling in now. Here's the view with that pine tree down:

Dirt work can now commence!

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